Because of your support, kids and teens who would not otherwise have the opportunity to participate in our shows have the chance to share their gifts with the community. This year YOU can make a difference in their lives; continuing the programs that allow our youth to gain confidence and learn to express themselves!
Sponsorship and advertising opportunities are also available to help underwrite our costs. All donors and sponsors will be recognized in our programs. Your tax-deductible donations are appreciated. It is only with the help of our community that we are able to provide valuable learning opportunities for our youth. Thank you for your continued support!
Platinum Sponsors $10,000 +
Support from our Platinum sponsors helps underwrite the entire Theatre School season.
Protostar Group
Rancho Santa Fe Women’s Fund
US Bank
Diamond Sponsors $5,000 +
Support from our Diamond sponsors helps underwrite a portion of expenses for a non-musical production.
City of Solana Beach, Public Arts Advisory Commission
Ruby Sponsors $2,000 +
Support from our Ruby sponsors helps underwrite the cost of our designers (such as costumes and props) for one show.
The City of Encinitas
Nancy Kaye
Jeanette Stevens
Emerald Sponsors $1,000 +
Support from our Emerald sponsors helps to fund our Art With A Heart and outreach efforts.
Robyn Caringella
The Friis Family
Sapphire Sponsors $500 +
Support from our Sapphire sponsors helps to fund our Actor/Mentor, Music Director, Choreographer, or Stage Manager for one show. Contact if you'd like to fund a specific artist/staff member for a production.
Joy Charney
Amethyst Sponsors $250 +
Support from our Amethyst sponsors helps to fund a single class tuition or production fee scholarships for a need-based student.
Steve Chitwood
Michelle Conde
Joanie & Arthur Dorf
Susan & Mark Edelstein
Katherine Emmenegger
Brian Holker
Marla & John Jensen
Heidi & Rob Jessep
Susan Kader
Thespine & Pradeep Khosla
Patricia & Vlassi Kouris
Karen Lare
Mimi Lee
Mary Ann & Carlo Marcuzzi
Jay Mager
Irene Mylonas
Debby Neff
Dale Novina
Ruby Paladini
Marty Patison
Mona & Jeff Platt
Theresa & Lee Sample
Charles Schmitt
Steve Smith
Marlene Stanger
Ann-Marie Streibich
Suzy Westphal
Jim Wisener
Caryl Lees Witte
Bonnie Wright
Gem Sponsors (Below $250)
Support from our Gem sponsors helps to fund the numerous expenses that come from theatrical licenses, scripts, and Theatre School supplies. Contributions of any amount can make a big difference and are greatly appreciated!
The Andrews
Mary Arana
Maryanne Barry
Michael Becker
Susan & Jim Boland
Sandra Boyles
The Bunyak Family
Sylvia Enrique
Joanna Fox
Cindi & Stephen Gilliland
Thomas Hawkins
Barbara & Dennis Higginbottom
Madison & Lucas Jacob
Sara Melanie Johnson
Dr. Andrea Reyes Kharrazian
Judy Teitler
Susan & John Thompson
Carole & Jerry Ursetti
Lesa Wells